Things we remember about dad/grandad...
Took me to my first, West Ham match (and I've been a suffering supporter ever since).
His checked, lumberjack style shirts and braces.
Always seemed to have a pencil behind his ear.
His distinguishing laugh. Scrabble nights.
Things he used to say to his grandchildren...
"My goodness". Called them, "rascals", "scoundrels " and "scallywags ".
When showing shock or concern about something he'd say, "bloody hell". Something that has stuck with me and I say for the same reasons.
Another term he'd use when shocked was, "cor dear old lore".
And he would also say, "well I'm shocked!" (Kinda funny from a lifelong 'sparky' lol).
I vaguely remember before he was a sparky he was a, stoker on a steam engine train. There was a photograph (don't know if anyone still has it? ) Of dad holding me hanging out the side of a steam engine.
Jokingly, he would call someone he was having banter with, a "right pratt" or a, "right div".
25th February 2021